Hydrogeological Characterization
A field and numerical study of a tracer test in a gypsum formation beneath a road
K.R. Moore, H.M. Holländer, G. Ayele, M. Basri, S. Gurke, M. Roemer
Pitfalls in groundwater recharge evaluation using chloride mass balance in the Canadian Prairies
Igor Pavlovskii, Masaki Hayashi
Regional Characterization of Athabasca Oil Sands Area Groundwater Using Environmental Isotopes
Kathryn Pooley, Trevor Butterfield, Cynthia McClain
Evaluation of nitrate in groundwater under long-term manure application
Emily Kyte, Edwin Cey, Leila Hrapovic
Construction of a capillary barrier cover for reactive mine waste management utilizing municipal biosolids
Christopher Hey, Paul Simms
Complementary hydrogeological characterization to update the groundwater monitoring program at a remediated hydrocarbon site in an unconfined aquifer
Richard Martel, Angus Ian Calderhead, Daniel Paradis, Jason M.E. Ahad, Jean-Sébastien Gosselin, Clarisse Deschênes-Rancourt, Richard Lévesque, Jean-Marc Ballard, Thomas Robert