Author Index
Abbas, Muhammad
Evaluation and Comparison of Geomechanical Properties of Hydrate bearing and Frozen Sands
Abboud, Jason M.
Is the rate of fugitive methane gas migration around Alberta’s energy wells adequately constrained?
Abdellaziz, Mustapha
Assessment of the effect of specimen size and confinement method on the results of simple shear test
Abdrakhimova, Polina
Hydrogeological factors affecting seasonal fluctuations of groundwater levels in a heterogeneous bedrock aquifer
Abdulnabi, Ahlam
Two New Models to Predict Rainfall-Runoff in Soil Cover Systems
Afroz, Mohammad
Experimental Investigation of Cement Mixing to Improve Champlain Sea Clay: A Case Study
Aguirre, Ted
Bituminous geomembranes (BGM) for heap leach pads and dumps for solid wastes in mine construction
Ahmed, Ahmed Yehia Abd Elaziz
Skin Friction and End Bearing Parameters of Cast-in-Place Concrete Piles Socketed into Calgary Bedrock
Akbari, Hossein
Results of large-scale cyclic triaxial tests on the mixed material of Rudbar dam core
Akpan, Etido Gideon
Wellhead Fatigue Response Affected By Seabed Interaction
Al-Maamori, Hayder
Performance of Vertical Shafts Constructed In Swelling Shale Using Finite Element Method
Alam, Md. Shahabul
An evaluation of soil hydraulic parameter uncertainty on the hydrologic performances of oil sands reclamation covers
Alcaino-Olivares, R.
Fracture Growth on Långören Island, Finland, on the Hottest Day on Record in 2014
Alfaro, Marolo
Anisotropic behaviour of clay core, foundation, and clay blanket in existing earth fill dams
Alfaro, Marolo C.
Modelling the Groundwater Flow of the Carbonate Aquifer during Pump Tests of Two Wells in East St. Paul, Manitoba
Alfaro III, Moises
Anisotropic behaviour of clay core, foundation, and clay blanket in existing earth fill dams
Allahbakhshi, Masih
Centrifuge testing of lateral pipeline-soil interaction buried in very loose sand
Almeida, Alexandre
Evaluation of Determination Methods for Ultimate Axial Capacity of Micropiles in Ontario soils
Amer, Mohamed I.
Comparison of 2D and 3D finite element models of tunnelling in granular soil under existing raft foundation
Anongphouth, Alitking
Numerical Modeling of Concrete Energy Piles using a Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Model
Antunes, P. Jorge
The application of load and resistance factors design (LRFD) in soil-structure interaction modelling to evaluate the stability of retaining structures
Arenson, Lukas
Initial Results from Temperature Monitoring in a Culvert under Winter Conditions in Permafrost
Armstrong, J.J-L.
Risk Assessment at a Wastewater Treatment Lagoon Managed by the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF)
Arpin, B.P.
Near Collapse of the St. Adolphe Bridge - An Exercise in Emergency Geotechnical Engineering
Arpin, Bruno Pierre
Design and Construction of Rockfill Columns in Deep Clay Deposits for Riverbank Stabilization in St. Jean Baptiste, Manitoba
Asif, Muhammad
Image Processing For Quantitative Analysis of Fluid Fine Tailing’s, Dosed With Anionic Polyamide Based Flocculant
Atefi-Monfared, Kamelia
Injection-induced thermo-poro-elasticity and boundary condition analysis for wellbore stability
Babakhani, Mahshid
Geological Property Modelling in Support of the Safe Closure of the Medicine Hat – Alderson Gas Field in Southeastern Alberta, Canada
Babaoglu, Yagmur
Estimating Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity from Compression Curves for Fluid Fine Tailings
Bagheri, Farsheed
Correlation Of Anisotropic Free Swell Behavior With Mineralogy In Clearwater Clay Shale From Fort McMurray, Alberta
Baker, Kathleen
Protecting workers exposed to ground hazards through enhanced hazard identification and management tools
Ballard, Jean-Marc
Complementary hydrogeological characterization to update the groundwater monitoring program at a remediated hydrocarbon site in an unconfined aquifer
Barbour, S. Lee
An evaluation of soil hydraulic parameter uncertainty on the hydrologic performances of oil sands reclamation covers
Barfett, Ben
Bituminous geomembranes (BGM) for heap leach pads and dumps for solid wastes in mine construction
Barquero-Guerrero, G.
Field Observations from Saprolite Test Fills in High Rainfall Locations
Barriga-Gallarday, H.
Field Observations from Saprolite Test Fills in High Rainfall Locations
Bartlett, Adrienne J.
Chemical and toxicological differentiation of groundwaters in the Alberta oil sands region
Bartz, James R.
Design and Construction of Rockfill Columns in Deep Clay Deposits for Riverbank Stabilization in St. Jean Baptiste, Manitoba
Bashir, Rashid
Numerical Experiments on Flow and Transport of Various Surfactant Solutions in the Vadose Zone
Basu, Dipanjan
Nonlinear elastic analysis of laterally loaded piles
Bathurst, Richard J.
Optimization Techniques In Non-Circular Probabilistic Slope Stability Analysis Considering Spatial Variability
Bauer, Anthony
Chemical and toxicological differentiation of groundwaters in the Alberta oil sands region
Bayat, Alireza
Clogging Assessment of Edmonton Clay
Bayoumi, Aya
Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity Variation in Post Seismic Behavior of Sand Using TxSS
Beaumont, Darren
Execution of a Winter Geotechnical Drilling Program at Pond Inlet and Iqaluit, Baffin Island, Nunavut
Becker, Dennis
Aligning the Design and Monitoring of Piles with the Load and Resistance Factor Design Methodology
Beier, Nicholas
Evaluation of Temperature and Multiple FreezeThaw effects on the Strength Properties of Centrifuged Tailings
Bélanger, Karine
Geotechnical and electrical properties of sensitive clay in Saint-François-de-la-Rivière-du-Sud, Québec, Canada
Benmouhoub, Lydia
Coefficient de changement de volume mv dans la simulation numérique de la réponse des aquifères à nappe libre aux essais de pompage
Bense, Victor F.
Advances In The Application Of Subsurface Temperature Profiles To Trace Groundwater Flow
Bentley, Laurence R
Hydrogeological factors affecting seasonal fluctuations of groundwater levels in a heterogeneous bedrock aquifer
Bickerton, Greg
Chemical and toxicological differentiation of groundwaters in the Alberta oil sands region
Bijeljanin, L.
Augmented slope stability analysis approach to determine setback distance based on target factor of safety criteria
Bishop, Peter
Simulating river-aquifer interactions in southern Ontario – implications for water management
Blais-Stevens, A.
Landslides In The Kitimat-Morice River Corridor, Northwest British Columbia, Canada
Blatz, James
Anisotropic behaviour of clay core, foundation, and clay blanket in existing earth fill dams
Bobrowsky, P.T.
Real-time Monitoring of Soil Water Content and Suction within a Slow Moving Landslide
Boduroglu, Sebnem
Numerical Experiments on Flow and Transport of Various Surfactant Solutions in the Vadose Zone
Bolouri Bazaz, HamidReza
A study on the efficiency of the hardening soil model for soft clay
Bordeleau, G.
Investigation on the origin of shallow hydrocarbons found in the Carboniferous sub-basin of southern New Brunswick
Bouin, Céline
Using CT-scanning to study internal erosion in soils
Boulanger-Martel, Vincent
Thermal conductivity of Meadowbank’s mine waste rocks and tailings
Boumaiza, Lamine
Determining rock erodibility parameter « relative block structure » for non-perpendicular hydraulic flow
Bradley, Allan H.
Mitigating pavement shoulder cracking in northern, low volume highways by incorporating Tencate Mirafi® H2Ri wicking geotextile
Bresson, Émilie
Effect of climate change on the performance of a monolayer cover combined with an elevated water table to prevent acid mine drainage
Breul, Bernard
Bituminous geomembranes (BGM) for heap leach pads and dumps for solid wastes in mine construction
Breul, Bertrand
Bituminous geomembranes (BGM) for heap leach pads and dumps for solid wastes in mine construction
Briet, Samuel
Upgrade of a Tailings Dam using Ground Improvement
Brinsky, Jordan
Formation Scale Mapping of Aquifers in Alberta
Brodland, Blake
Remediation of a Settlement and Heave Anomaly on a Pipeline in the Northern Region of Canada – an Update
Brown, Scott
Groundwater Metals Contamination and Construction Dewatering: Challenges and Effective Solutions
Bruce, Jim
An appropriate method for constructing deep foundations that must penetrate artesian aquifers
Budd, Cassandra
Role of geophysics in optimizing Light Rail Transit track design for Edmonton’s Valley Line LRT
Buechi, Andi D
From concept to reality, combining a rockfall barrier with a retaining wall to protect railway tracks
Butterfield, Trevor
History and Findings of Alberta’s Athabasca Oil Sands Area Groundwater Quality Monitoring Program
Castonguay, Vincent
Anisotropic behaviour of a sand predicted by a modified NorSand soil model
Cavers, William
Experimental Investigation of Cement Mixing to Improve Champlain Sea Clay: A Case Study
Cey, Edwin E.
Land-Use Effects On Depression-Focussed Groundwater Recharge In The Prairies: Water Balance Approach
Chapuis, R.P.
Assessing internal erosion in a rigid wallpermeameter: theoretical and experimental aspects
Chekired, Mohamed
Assessment of the effect of specimen size and confinement method on the results of simple shear test
Chen, Jianbin
Frost heave and thawing settlement of frozen soils around concrete piles: a laboratory model test
Chenaf, Djaouida
Coefficient de changement de volume mv dans la simulation numérique de la réponse des aquifères à nappe libre aux essais de pompage
Chouinard, Luc E.
Modeling the response of buried pipes subjected to axial soil movement using coupled finite-discrete element framework
Chow, Nicholas
Role of geophysics in optimizing Light Rail Transit track design for Edmonton’s Valley Line LRT
Clarke, Derek
Monitoring and modeling a shallow unconfined aquifer to determine long term environmental change
Clelland, Lawrence
Influence of Fines Content on Interpretation of the CPT Tip Resistance for Liquefaction Assessment in Mine Tailings
Costa, Gilles
Upgrade of a Tailings Dam using Ground Improvement
Coughenour, Nathan
Lessons Learned: Self-Hardening Slurries in Slurry Trenching
Craig, Pete
Soil Mix Shear Keys at Dam Toe in Peat
Daly, Natalie
Bituminous geomembranes (BGM) for heap leach pads and dumps for solid wastes in mine construction
Danielson, Laurie
Regional Characterization of the Beverly Channel Aquifer in the Industrial Heartland Area, Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta
De Guzman, Earl Marvin
Initial Results from Temperature Monitoring in a Culvert under Winter Conditions in Permafrost
Debnath, Khokan
Modeling changes in hydrate stabilities associated with Arctic warming and its impact on slope instabilities
Delisle, Marie-Christine
Effects of frequency content on dynamic slopes stability for Eastern Canada clays
Demers, Denis
Geotechnical and electrical properties of sensitive clay in Saint-François-de-la-Rivière-du-Sud, Québec, Canada
Demers, Isabelle
Effect of climate change on the performance of a monolayer cover combined with an elevated water table to prevent acid mine drainage
Demers Bonin, Michael
Application of a novel oedometer setup for performing constant-rate-of-strain (CRS) test on soft soils
Deng, Lijun
Frost heave and thawing settlement of frozen soils around concrete piles: a laboratory model test
Deschênes-Rancourt, Clarisse
Complementary hydrogeological characterization to update the groundwater monitoring program at a remediated hydrocarbon site in an unconfined aquifer
Dhar, Ashutosh
A comparison using two numerical approaches for modelling the impact of submarine landslides on suspended pipelines
Dhar, Ashutosh Sutra
A laboratory facility for studying pullout behaviour of buried pipelines
Díaz-Durán, F.
Numerical Investigation of Impedance Variation Effect on Surface-Waves’ Propagation for Characterization of Very Soft Soils
Dikonda, K.R.
Influence de la procédure de malaxage sur les propriétés rhéologiques et mécaniques de remblais en pâte cimentés
Dittrich, J.P.
Highway 66 Embankment on Soft Ground – Design, Construction and Long-Term Monitoring: A Case Study
Dixon, George
Chemical and toxicological differentiation of groundwaters in the Alberta oil sands region
Doré, Guy
Initial Results from Temperature Monitoring in a Culvert under Winter Conditions in Permafrost
Drummond, Stuart
Mitigating pavement shoulder cracking in northern, low volume highways by incorporating Tencate Mirafi® H2Ri wicking geotextile
Dubé, Jean-Sébastien
Impact of carbonation on chemical and mineralogical properties of stabilized and solidified matrices
Duchesne, M.J.
Investigation on the origin of shallow hydrocarbons found in the Carboniferous sub-basin of southern New Brunswick
Duhaime, François
Impact of carbonation on chemical and mineralogical properties of stabilized and solidified matrices
Durham, Andrew
Coarse Tailings Sand Densification By Dozer Packing
Eden, R.J.
Near Collapse of the St. Adolphe Bridge - An Exercise in Emergency Geotechnical Engineering
El Bedoui, Sarra
Impact of carbonation on chemical and mineralogical properties of stabilized and solidified matrices
El Naggar, Hany
Earth Pressures on Closely Spaced Twin Circular Culverts Backfilled with Controlled Low Strength Material within Narrow Space
El Naggar, M. Hesham
Comprehensive Earthquake Site Amplification Assessment For Greater Vancouver
El-Sharnouby, Meckkey
Simple Reliability Analysis of Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls
Elbanna, Mahmoud
Coarse Tailings Sand Densification By Dozer Packing
Elfass, Sherif
An Analytical Model For The Prediction Of Drilled Pile Base Load-Displacement Behaviour In Cohesionless Soils
ElMouchi, Ahmed
Comparison of 2D and 3D finite element models of tunnelling in granular soil under existing raft foundation
Esmaeilzadeh, Mehdi
Trench impact on lateral response of pipeline buried in sand
Esposito, Gennaro
Review of Reliability Levels Achieved by Geotechnical Design Codes
Ethier, Yannic
Using CT-scanning to study internal erosion in soils
Fall, Mamadou
Mathematical modeling and analysis of in-situ strength development in cemented paste backfill structure
Farsghoshooni, Anvar
Experimental study of gypsum and anhydrite dissolution due to surface flow
Farshidy, Mohammad
Remediation of Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Sediments by Strong Mixing and Hydrophobic Aerogel Sorption
Fenton, Gordon A.
Geotechnical Resistance Factors for Seismic Design
Ferguson, Grant
Characterizing Hydrogeological Change From Oil And Gas Development In The Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
Ferris, David M.
Variability of hydraulic conductivity in clayey glacial till aquitards in Saskatchewan, Canada
Filewich, Chris
Geological Property Modelling in Support of the Safe Closure of the Medicine Hat – Alderson Gas Field in Southeastern Alberta, Canada
Finlay, Patrick
Role of geophysics in optimizing Light Rail Transit track design for Edmonton’s Valley Line LRT
Fortier, Richard
Geotechnical and electrical properties of sensitive clay in Saint-François-de-la-Rivière-du-Sud, Québec, Canada
Fourmont, Stephan
Drainage improvement under CN railways with the use of a multi-linear drainage geocomposite
Frank, Richard A.
Chemical and toxicological differentiation of groundwaters in the Alberta oil sands region
Głowacki, Adrian
Using CT-scanning to study internal erosion in soils
Gagné, Antony
Back-analysis of an important sand liquefaction event triggered by the 1870 Charlevoix earthquake, Quebec, Canada
Galisson, L.T.
Reducing the Intrusion: Instrumentation and Monitoring for Urban Excavation with Non-Contact Technologies
Gaspari, Giuseppe Maria
EBP-TBM tunneling versus Microtunneling – pros and cons to select the right technology
Geng, Xiaoyuan
Enhancing soil drainage and groundwater recharge estimations by using coupled plant-soil-water and groundwater flow modeling
Ghafghazi, Mason
Influence of Fines Content on Interpretation of the CPT Tip Resistance for Liquefaction Assessment in Mine Tailings
Ghasemi, Mohammad
Results of large-scale cyclic triaxial tests on the mixed material of Rudbar dam core
Ghassemi, Ramin
Correlation Of Anisotropic Free Swell Behavior With Mineralogy In Clearwater Clay Shale From Fort McMurray, Alberta
Ghiassian, Hossein
Parametric Study of Global Stability of Benched Earth Slopes
Gibson, Jeffrey
Execution of a Winter Geotechnical Drilling Program at Pond Inlet and Iqaluit, Baffin Island, Nunavut
Gillis, Patty L.
Chemical and toxicological differentiation of groundwaters in the Alberta oil sands region
Gnanendran, C.T.
Creep based viscoplastic numerical modelling of soil deformations in vacuum application and removal
Gorka, Torsten
A Geophysical Investigation of Near Vertical Boreholes in the Roof of an Underground Tunnel in a Coal Mine
Gosselin, Jean-Sébastien
Complementary hydrogeological characterization to update the groundwater monitoring program at a remediated hydrocarbon site in an unconfined aquifer
Grozic, Ed M.
Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk Highway Road Embankment Constructed on Ice-Rich Permafrost Terrain
Guimont, Hubert
Upgrade of a Tailings Dam using Ground Improvement
Gupta, Bipin Kumar
Nonlinear elastic analysis of laterally loaded piles
Gurpersaud, Naresh
An appropriate method for constructing deep foundations that must penetrate artesian aquifers
Han, Zhong
An appropriate method for constructing deep foundations that must penetrate artesian aquifers
Haouzi, Fatima-Zahra
Major applications of MICP sand treatment at multi-scale levels: A review
Harrison, Charlie
The assessment of the overall probability of failure of hard-rock slopes using the First Order Reliability Method and the Hunting Equation Method
Hashemian, Leila
Evaluation of Tire Material as Pavement Embankment
Hassan, Asmaa M.
Comparison of 2D and 3D finite element models of tunnelling in granular soil under existing raft foundation
Hawlader, Bipul
A comparison using two numerical approaches for modelling the impact of submarine landslides on suspended pipelines
Hawlader, Bipul Chandra
A laboratory facility for studying pullout behaviour of buried pipelines
Hayashi, Masaki
Comparison Of Root Water Uptake And Soil Moisture Dynamics Under Contrasting Land Uses In The Canadian Prairies
Land-Use Effects On Depression-Focussed Groundwater Recharge In The Prairies: Water Balance Approach
Hayley, Jocelyn L.
Evaluation and Comparison of Geomechanical Properties of Hydrate bearing and Frozen Sands
Heinz, Heinrich
Women in Calgary Geotechnique
Hendry, Michael
Protecting workers exposed to ground hazards through enhanced hazard identification and management tools
Hewgill, Paul
Evaluation of a mechanically stabilized layer for the Trans-Canada Highway in Antigonish Nova Scotia
Hewitt, L. Mark
Chemical and toxicological differentiation of groundwaters in the Alberta oil sands region
Hey, Christopher
Construction of a capillary barrier cover for reactive mine waste management utilizing municipal biosolids
Hissan khattak, Muhammad
Image Processing For Quantitative Analysis of Fluid Fine Tailing’s, Dosed With Anionic Polyamide Based Flocculant
Hofmann, Helene
Rockfall Attenuator Systems. A new design concept for protecting linear infrastructure
Holländer, Hartmut M.
A field and numerical study of a tracer test in a gypsum formation beneath a road
Hsieh, Entzu
Remediation of a Settlement and Heave Anomaly on a Pipeline in the Northern Region of Canada – an Update
Huang, Mingbin
An evaluation of soil hydraulic parameter uncertainty on the hydrologic performances of oil sands reclamation covers
Hughes, Alexandra
The role of irrigation in depression-focused groundwater recharge in the Canadian Prairies
Hussien, Mahmoud N.
Assessment of the effect of specimen size and confinement method on the results of simple shear test
Hutchinson, D. Jean
Railway Ground Hazard Research Program Update: Rock Slope Hazard Assessment
Ingabire, Edouardine-Pascale
Influence of Fines Content on Interpretation of the CPT Tip Resistance for Liquefaction Assessment in Mine Tailings
Inparajah, Delakshan
Unloading Pore Pressure Response of the Weak Clearwater Derived Clays Under a Tailings Dyke at the Suncor Millennium Mine
Iranikhah, Ali
Effect of Tire-Derived Aggregate (TDA) Content On the Shear Strength Parameters of Gravel-TDA Mixtures
Irvine, Dylan J.
Advances In The Application Of Subsurface Temperature Profiles To Trace Groundwater Flow
Itenfisu, Daniel
Comparison Of Root Water Uptake And Soil Moisture Dynamics Under Contrasting Land Uses In The Canadian Prairies
Jamieson, Elizabeth
Locating and quantifying direct groundwater discharge at the reach scale: MacKay River, Alberta
Javankhoshdel, Sina
Optimization Techniques In Non-Circular Probabilistic Slope Stability Analysis Considering Spatial Variability
Jesswein, Markus
Evaluation of Determination Methods for Ultimate Axial Capacity of Micropiles in Ontario soils
Jeudy, Betegard
Liquefaction assessment from laboratory tests on undisturbed and reconstituted silty soil specimens
Jin, Long
Frost heave and thawing settlement of frozen soils around concrete piles: a laboratory model test
Kang, Chao
Clogging Assessment of Edmonton Clay
Karki, Dhiraj
A Geotechnical insight into a pipeline crossing
Karray, Mourad
Application of a novel oedometer setup for performing constant-rate-of-strain (CRS) test on soft soils
Assessment of the effect of specimen size and confinement method on the results of simple shear test
Kelly, Allen
Variations in river level and their impact on slope stability at the Borden Bridge landslide
Kenyon, R.M.
Near Collapse of the St. Adolphe Bridge - An Exercise in Emergency Geotechnical Engineering
Khabbaz, Hadi
Assessment of the geotechnical and microstructural characteristics of lime stabilised expansive soil with bagasse ash
Khan, Muhammad Imran
Investigation of the shear behavior of EPS geofoam
Kharaghani, Saeed
A study on the efficiency of the hardening soil model for soft clay
Kheradmand, Elham
Numerical study of the flow field around spheroidal particles
Klassen, Jeanette
Applying An Aquifer-Yield Continuum Approach to Quantify Groundwater Yield Across Alberta
Kondrachova, Tamara
EBP-TBM tunneling versus Microtunneling – pros and cons to select the right technology
Koohmishi, Mehdi
Indirect estimation of railway ballast strength by conducting point load test on rock cores and irregular-shaped particles
Krol, Magdalena M.
Nano zero valent iron (nZVI) remediation: A COMSOL modelling approach
Kullmann, Harald
Execution of a Winter Geotechnical Drilling Program at Pond Inlet and Iqaluit, Baffin Island, Nunavut
Kumarage, P.I.
Creep based viscoplastic numerical modelling of soil deformations in vacuum application and removal
Kurylyk, Barret L.
Advances In The Application Of Subsurface Temperature Profiles To Trace Groundwater Flow
Kwon, Jay
Evaluation of a mechanically stabilized layer for the Trans-Canada Highway in Antigonish Nova Scotia
Lamborn, Lyndon
Remediation of a Settlement and Heave Anomaly on a Pipeline in the Northern Region of Canada – an Update
Lan, Haitao
Measurement of Earth Pressures Near Vertical and Horizontal Boreholes during Packer Tests
Landhausser, S.M.
Groundwater Recharge in a Reclaimed Watershed Following Oil Sands Mining: Implications for Groundwater Flow in Reconstructed Landscapes
Landry-Paré, Lilianne
Women in Calgary Geotechnique
Langston, Greg
Locating and quantifying direct groundwater discharge at the reach scale: MacKay River, Alberta
Lauer, Rachel M.
Pressure redistribution and free phase gas formation during and after undrained unloading of dissolved gas-charged sediment
Lavallée, Simon Lavoie
Groundwater inflow to the Lake Papineau Hydrosystem (Outaouais, Canada)
Lee, Charles
Aligning the Design and Monitoring of Piles with the Load and Resistance Factor Design Methodology
Lee, Hiu
An appropriate method for constructing deep foundations that must penetrate artesian aquifers
Lefsrud, Lianne
Protecting workers exposed to ground hazards through enhanced hazard identification and management tools
Leroueil, S.
The 2016 landslide at Saint-Luc-de-Vincennes
Lévesque, Richard
Complementary hydrogeological characterization to update the groundwater monitoring program at a remediated hydrocarbon site in an unconfined aquifer
Levison, Jana
Simulating river-aquifer interactions in southern Ontario – implications for water management
Liggett, Jessica E.
Applying An Aquifer-Yield Continuum Approach to Quantify Groundwater Yield Across Alberta
Liu, Bill
Characterization of muskeg soils for soil-pipe interaction analysis – Some preliminary findings
Liu, Feifei
Influence of water and rock particle contents on the mechanical behavior of soil-rock mixture
Liu, Hongwei
Feasibility study of snow melting system using geothermal energy piles in Canadian Prairies
Liu, Jennifer
Characterization of muskeg soils for soil-pipe interaction analysis – Some preliminary findings
Liu, Jinyuan
Evaluation of Determination Methods for Ultimate Axial Capacity of Micropiles in Ontario soils
Liu, Longqi
Influence of water and rock particle contents on the mechanical behavior of soil-rock mixture
Locat, Ariane
Geotechnical and electrical properties of sensitive clay in Saint-François-de-la-Rivière-du-Sud, Québec, Canada
Locat, Pascal
Back-analysis of an important sand liquefaction event triggered by the 1870 Charlevoix earthquake, Quebec, Canada
Lukenbach, M.C.
Groundwater Recharge in a Reclaimed Watershed Following Oil Sands Mining: Implications for Groundwater Flow in Reconstructed Landscapes
Macciotta, R.
Protecting workers exposed to ground hazards through enhanced hazard identification and management tools
MacGowan, Tanys I.
Unloading Pore Pressure Response of the Weak Clearwater Derived Clays Under a Tailings Dyke at the Suncor Millennium Mine
Macpherson, Jennifer
Alberta Working Well Program
Mah, Patrick
A Geophysical Investigation of Near Vertical Boreholes in the Roof of an Underground Tunnel in a Coal Mine
Mahgoub, Ahmed
Seismic design of CSP culverts in Eastern Canada
Majid, Anwar
Skin Friction and End Bearing Parameters of Cast-in-Place Concrete Piles Socketed into Calgary Bedrock
Maleksaeedi, Emad
Application of a novel oedometer setup for performing constant-rate-of-strain (CRS) test on soft soils
Manmatharajan, Mathan V.
Screening of Bridge Sites in Ontario for Liquefaction Susceptibility
Manmatharajan, Vipulanantham
Influence of Fines Content on Interpretation of the CPT Tip Resistance for Liquefaction Assessment in Mine Tailings
Mao, Xuesong
Influence of water and rock particle contents on the mechanical behavior of soil-rock mixture
Marcotte, Bryce
Geomembrane puncture protection for tire derived aggregate
Marefat, Vahid
Numerical simulation of pore pressure changes in Champlain clays - Sainte-Marthe study case
Marlin, Adam
Evaluation of a mechanically stabilized layer for the Trans-Canada Highway in Antigonish Nova Scotia
Martens, Scott
Coarse Tailings Sand Densification By Dozer Packing
Martin, Jonathan
Chemical and toxicological differentiation of groundwaters in the Alberta oil sands region
McClain, Cynthia
History and Findings of Alberta’s Athabasca Oil Sands Area Groundwater Quality Monitoring Program
McClymont, Alastair
A Geotechnical insight into a pipeline crossing
Meadow, Tony
Monitoring and modeling a shallow unconfined aquifer to determine long term environmental change
Meguid, Mohamed A
Investigation of the shear behavior of EPS geofoam
Meguid, Mohamed A.
Modeling the response of buried pipes subjected to axial soil movement using coupled finite-discrete element framework
Meidani, Masood
Modeling the response of buried pipes subjected to axial soil movement using coupled finite-discrete element framework
Mercer, David
Monitoring and modeling a shallow unconfined aquifer to determine long term environmental change
Milestone, Craig
Chemical and toxicological differentiation of groundwaters in the Alberta oil sands region
Mitchell, Andy
Construction Dewatering Risk Mitigation: Protecting Estuary Baseflow and Groundwater Quality in Coastal British Columbia
Mohamed, Fathi M. O.
Parametric Study of Global Stability of Benched Earth Slopes
Moharrami, Mohammad Javad
Reliability of drag embedment anchors for applications in Canadian deep offshore
Molina-Gomez, A.M.
Assessing internal erosion in a rigid wallpermeameter: theoretical and experimental aspects
Montgomery, Mark
An appropriate method for constructing deep foundations that must penetrate artesian aquifers
Morgan, Laura R.
Land-Use Effects On Depression-Focussed Groundwater Recharge In The Prairies: Water Balance Approach
Mulligan, Catherine N.
Remediation of Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Sediments by Strong Mixing and Hydrophobic Aerogel Sorption
Murchison, Paul
Mitigating pavement shoulder cracking in northern, low volume highways by incorporating Tencate Mirafi® H2Ri wicking geotextile
Murugathasan, Parththeeban
A laboratory facility for studying pullout behaviour of buried pipelines
Naghibi, Farzaneh
Geotechnical Resistance Factors for Seismic Design
Nakevska, Nevenka
Formation Scale Mapping of Aquifers in Alberta
Land-Use Effects On Depression-Focussed Groundwater Recharge In The Prairies: Water Balance Approach
Nematzadeh, Afrouz
Large deformation analysis of ice keel-soil interaction in sand
Nethravathi, S.
Improvement of Strength of Expansive Black Cotton Soil Using Sugarcane Bagasse Ash-Lime as Stabilizer
Nixon, Jenae
Variations in river level and their impact on slope stability at the Borden Bridge landslide
Nuth, Mathieu
Application of a novel oedometer setup for performing constant-rate-of-strain (CRS) test on soft soils
Nyiraneza, Judith
Enhancing soil drainage and groundwater recharge estimations by using coupled plant-soil-water and groundwater flow modeling
Oblozinsky, Pavol
Coarse Tailings Sand Densification By Dozer Packing
Oliver, Michael
Case history of pile supported highway embankments on very soft and compressible soils
Padros, Jose Antonio
Short Term Decrease in Undrained Shear Strength due to Helical Pile Installation
Palassi, Massoud
Indirect estimation of railway ballast strength by conducting point load test on rock cores and irregular-shaped particles
Panesar, Harpreet
Variations in river level and their impact on slope stability at the Borden Bridge landslide
Parrott, Joanne L.
Chemical and toxicological differentiation of groundwaters in the Alberta oil sands region
Pavlovskii, Igor
Pitfalls in groundwater recharge evaluation using chloride mass balance in the Canadian Prairies
Perret, Didier
Back-analysis of an important sand liquefaction event triggered by the 1870 Charlevoix earthquake, Quebec, Canada
Peterson, Karl
Influence of Fines Content on Interpretation of the CPT Tip Resistance for Liquefaction Assessment in Mine Tailings
Peyras, Laurent
Rock joints submitted to direct shear tests under low normal stress: evaluation of apparent cohesion values and key parameters
Polan, Bruce
Geotechnical Challenges in the Construction of the Niagara Wind Farm, Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada
Pollock, Gordon W.
Unloading Pore Pressure Response of the Weak Clearwater Derived Clays Under a Tailings Dyke at the Suncor Millennium Mine
Pooley, Kathryn
Regional Characterization of Athabasca Oil Sands Area Groundwater Using Environmental Isotopes
Pooranampillai, Suthan
An Analytical Model For The Prediction Of Drilled Pile Base Load-Displacement Behaviour In Cohesionless Soils
Pourrahimian, Y.
Considering Groundwater Advection on the Design of Borehole Heat Exchanger—A Review of Analytical Solutions
Priest, Jeffrey
Evaluation and Comparison of Geomechanical Properties of Hydrate bearing and Frozen Sands
Prudhomme, Serge
Numerical study of the flow field around spheroidal particles
Quirion, Marco
Determining rock erodibility parameter « relative block structure » for non-perpendicular hydraulic flow
Ramesh, H.N.
Improvement of Strength of Expansive Black Cotton Soil Using Sugarcane Bagasse Ash-Lime as Stabilizer
Rentz, Amy
Women in Calgary Geotechnique
Rima, Umme Salma
Evaluation of Temperature and Multiple FreezeThaw effects on the Strength Properties of Centrifuged Tailings
Rivard, Patrice
Rock joints submitted to direct shear tests under low normal stress: evaluation of apparent cohesion values and key parameters
Rodger, David
Drainage improvement under CN railways with the use of a multi-linear drainage geocomposite
Rostron, Benjamin
Regional Hydrogeology of the Bakken Formation of the Williston Basin (Canada – USA)
Roubtsova, Varvara
Numerical study of the flow field around spheroidal particles
Rousseau, Moïse
3D numerical assessment of the permeable envelope concept for in-pit disposal of reactive mine wastes
Rowland, Steve J.
Chemical and toxicological differentiation of groundwaters in the Alberta oil sands region
Roy, James W.
Chemical and toxicological differentiation of groundwaters in the Alberta oil sands region
Ruel, Mario
Drainage improvement under CN railways with the use of a multi-linear drainage geocomposite
Ruffing, Daniel
Lessons Learned: Self-Hardening Slurries in Slurry Trenching
Rullière, Adrien
Rock joints submitted to direct shear tests under low normal stress: evaluation of apparent cohesion values and key parameters
Ryan, M. Cathryn
Is the rate of fugitive methane gas migration around Alberta’s energy wells adequately constrained?
Saffari, Pedram
Parametric Study of Global Stability of Benched Earth Slopes
Saha, Diponkar
A comparison using two numerical approaches for modelling the impact of submarine landslides on suspended pipelines
Salam, Muhammad Asif
Structuration In Polymer Amended Oil Sands Fine Tailings
Salloum, Tareq
Numerical study on excess pore pressure response of Champlain Sea Clay under 1-D constant rate of strain loading
Sanchez-Marrou, J.
Field Observations from Saprolite Test Fills in High Rainfall Locations
Sarlati, Sogol
Stiffness and shear strength characteristics of unsaturated glass-beads: experimental observations
Satterthwaite, Susan
Managing thermal mobilization effects in the oil sands areas of Alberta
Scarlett, Alan G.
Chemical and toxicological differentiation of groundwaters in the Alberta oil sands region
Shafaei, Amirhossein
Numerical simulation of pore pressure changes in Champlain clays - Sainte-Marthe study case
Shah, Fazli Raziq
Skin Friction and End Bearing Parameters of Cast-in-Place Concrete Piles Socketed into Calgary Bedrock
Siddiqua, Sumi
Comparison of 2D and 3D finite element models of tunnelling in granular soil under existing raft foundation
Singh, Amandeep
Geological Property Modelling in Support of the Safe Closure of the Medicine Hat – Alderson Gas Field in Southeastern Alberta, Canada
Singh, Simratpal
Field experiments and numerical modelling to investigate nitrate leaching due to different land use and slurry applications
Skordaki, E.M.
Risk Assessment at a Wastewater Treatment Lagoon Managed by the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF)
Smerdon, Brian D.
Applying An Aquifer-Yield Continuum Approach to Quantify Groundwater Yield Across Alberta
Soliman, Sherif
A Geotechnical insight into a pipeline crossing
Sommerstad, Ken
History and Findings of Alberta’s Athabasca Oil Sands Area Groundwater Quality Monitoring Program
Sorrie, Andrew
Value of pile tests to inform detailed design in Canada
Spoelstra, John
Locating and quantifying direct groundwater discharge at the reach scale: MacKay River, Alberta
Stafford, Dylan M.J.
Modelling the Groundwater Flow of the Carbonate Aquifer during Pump Tests of Two Wells in East St. Paul, Manitoba
Steeves, Joel
Characterizing Hydrogeological Change From Oil And Gas Development In The Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
Stratford, Charlie
Monitoring and modeling a shallow unconfined aquifer to determine long term environmental change
Sun, Angela
Chemical and toxicological differentiation of groundwaters in the Alberta oil sands region
Tang, Liyun
Frost heave and thawing settlement of frozen soils around concrete piles: a laboratory model test
Tappenden, Kristen M.
Load Transfer Behavior of Full-Scale Instrumented Helical Piles
Tchekhovski, Alexandre
Remediation of a Settlement and Heave Anomaly on a Pipeline in the Northern Region of Canada – an Update
Thavaraj, Thuraisamy
Geotechnical Seismic Retrofit of Mission Bridge, British Columbia, Canada
Therrien, J.
The 2016 landslide at Saint-Luc-de-Vincennes
Thiam, Papa-Masseck
Mitigating pavement shoulder cracking in northern, low volume highways by incorporating Tencate Mirafi® H2Ri wicking geotextile
Thibeault, M.
Highway 66 Embankment on Soft Ground – Design, Construction and Long-Term Monitoring: A Case Study
Tigchelaar, Mark
Design and Monitoring of a 23 Storey Condominium Using Rammed Aggregate Pier Support
Toop, David C.
Conservation of the endangered Small White Lady’s Slipper in Manitoba, Canada – A Hydrogeological Approach
Tremblay-Auger, F.
The 2016 landslide at Saint-Luc-de-Vincennes
Trimble, J. Richard
Rationalizing the Design of Adfreeze Piles with Limit States Design
Trotter, Christina
Construction Dewatering Risk Mitigation: Protecting Estuary Baseflow and Groundwater Quality in Coastal British Columbia
Udayashankar, B.C.
Improvement of Strength of Expansive Black Cotton Soil Using Sugarcane Bagasse Ash-Lime as Stabilizer
Uthayakumar, Uthaya M.
Case history of pile supported highway embankments on very soft and compressible soils
Veillette, Sandra
Geotechnical and electrical properties of sensitive clay in Saint-François-de-la-Rivière-du-Sud, Québec, Canada
Verwey, Sarah
Women in Calgary Geotechnique
Vlachopoulos, N.
Discontinuum Analysis for Tunnelling Purposes: Procedure and Considerations for Creating 2D Models by Applying the FDEM Method
Wallace, Steve
Alberta Working Well Program
Wang, Baolin
Failure mechanism of a prehistoric landslide in Champlain Sea clay at Breckenridge, Quebec
Wang, Xiaogang
Frost heave and thawing settlement of frozen soils around concrete piles: a laboratory model test
Wayne, Mark H.
Evaluation of a mechanically stabilized layer for the Trans-Canada Highway in Antigonish Nova Scotia
Weemees, Ilmar
Characterization of muskeg soils for soil-pipe interaction analysis – Some preliminary findings
Weerasekara, Lalinda
Improvements to Pullout Failure Estimation in MSE Walls
Wegrzynowski, Stephanie
Remediation of a Settlement and Heave Anomaly on a Pipeline in the Northern Region of Canada – an Update
West, Charles E.
Chemical and toxicological differentiation of groundwaters in the Alberta oil sands region
Wiebe, Darren
From concept to reality, combining a rockfall barrier with a retaining wall to protect railway tracks
Wijewickreme, Dharma
Characterization of muskeg soils for soil-pipe interaction analysis – Some preliminary findings
Wu, Yichen
Clogging Assessment of Edmonton Clay
Wyllie, Duncan
Rockfall Attenuator Systems. A new design concept for protecting linear infrastructure
Yang, Gengshe
Frost heave and thawing settlement of frozen soils around concrete piles: a laboratory model test
Zettl, Julie
Protecting workers exposed to ground hazards through enhanced hazard identification and management tools
Zhai, Xinle
Injection-induced thermo-poro-elasticity and boundary condition analysis for wellbore stability
Zhang, Guangwen (Gordon)
Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk Highway Road Embankment Constructed on Ice-Rich Permafrost Terrain